V zadnjem času sem naletel na kar nekaj priložnosti, ki pošiljajo sporočilo: ne čakaj, ampak naredi zdaj. Veliko ljudi namreč upa na to, da se bo nekaj v življenju enkrat končalo oz. zaključilo. Na primer: “Če bom delal 20 let dovolj, potem bom lahko počival do konca življenja” ali “Moja ženska me bo enkrat razumela in se ne bo več pritoževala” (ta mi je še posebej všeč) ali “To delam zato, da bom enkrat lahko delal nekaj, kar me res veseli”. Ok, ampak zakaj tega že zdaj ne delaš, kaj ti to preprečuje? Steve Pavlina to zelo lepo ubesedi:

The difference, in my opinion, is that those who successfully transition see themselves as more than capable of overcoming the obstacles in their path. Their internal resources like focus, desire, and self-discipline compensate for their lack of external resources. If they need more money than they have, they find other ways to get what they need. If their families don’t support them, they say, “Too bad, I’m doing this with or without your help.” If they have to take a pay cut, they find a way to live more cheaply and eat lots of rice.

David Deida v The way of superior man doda:

It’s never going to be over, so stop waiting for the good stuff. As of now, spend a minimum of one hour a day doing whatever you are waiting to do until your finances are more secure, or until the children have grown and left home, or until you have finished your obligations and you feel free to do what you really want to do. Don’t wait any longer. Don’t believe in the myth of “one day when everything will be different. Do what you love to do, what you are waiting to do, what you ye been born to do, now.

Ponavadi pa večina dela napako, ko misli, da se bo enkrat pač nekaj res korenito spremenilo. Čaka Godota. Sploh pa se nič ne bo spremenilo samo od sebe. Kolikor časa že življenje traja, je izziv, da se borimo, igramo in živimo za trenutek. Ali kakor je bilo rečeno v risanki Kung Fu Panda (go see it!) (vir: IMDB):

Oogway: Yesterday is history, tomorrow is a mystery, but today is a gift. That is why it is called the present.

Nikoli ne bo nečesa, kar nam ni všeč, kar tako konec, zato nehajmo čakati, na nek trenutek, da bo vse drugače samo od sebe. Tudi 1.1. se večinoma ljudje, namesto v nov začetek z vsemi obljubami za novo leto, zbudijo z glavobolom in polnim ter z od preveč hrane in pijače razbolenim želodcem. Super začetek novega leta. Letos smo šli 1.1. smučat, prazen in sončen Krvavec je bil super in leto 2008 se je dobro začelo. Anyway.

Če hočeš nekaj, naredi to takoj, prevzemi nadzor. Kdor se zadnji smeje, je počasen. Izvrsten primer je bil v filmu Wanted. Za vse, ki ga niste gledali, gre za film o Wesleyju Gibsonu, računovodji, ki je zabubljen v svojo kocko, kjer dela, punca ga vara s prijateljem. Ne ravno neko bajno, pač pa zelo povprečno življenje. Zveni znano? Nato ga nategne še vodja Bratovščine, skupine morilcev z opranimi možgani, da ubije svojega očeta, ki je bratovščino zapustil… V glavnem, go see the movie. Wesley, ki je na koncu postavil stvari na svoje mesto, pravi (Vir: IMDB):

Wesley: [narrating] Six weeks ago I was ordinary and pathetic, just like you. Who am I now? Account manager? Assassin? Just another tool who was mind-fucked into killing his father. I am all of these. I am none of these. Who am I now? This is not me fulfilling my destiny. This is not me following in my father’s footsteps. This is definitely not me saving the world.
Sloan: Still trying to figure out who you are?
Wesley: [narrating] This is not me… this is just a motherfucking decoy.
Sloan: [guy in cubicle turns and looks down; Sloan, realizing his error, looks down to an X made of post-it notes on the floor] Oh, fuck.
Wesley: [narrating] This *is* me taking control; from Sloan, from the fraternity, from Janice, billing reports, ergonomic keyboards, from cheating girlfriends and sack of shit best friends. This is me taking back control of my life.


Wesley: [to audience] What the fuck have you done lately?

Po moje se je smiselno kar vsak dan vprašati: what the fuck have I done lately?

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